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Softboards Foamie Foamboards buy online Category Header


Discover the world of surfing with a foam board - the ideal companion for surfing beginners and anyone who wants to enjoy the waves in a relaxed manner. Our foamies are designed with a soft foam core and a durable surface to give you a safe and comfortable surfing experience. Perfect for first attempts in the water and relaxed sessions. Immerse yourself in the fascination of surfing with a foam board – for fun and safety on the waves!

A foamboard, also known as a foamie or softboard, is a specialized surfboard designed for beginners and recreational surfers. Unlike traditional surfboards, the foamboard consists of a soft foam core covered with a durable and soft surface made of EVA foam or similar material. This construction makes the foam board particularly user-friendly and safe for beginner surfers.

Features of a foam board:

  • Soft Construction: The soft material of the foam board minimizes the risk of injury and provides beginners with a comfortable surface to learn on.
  • Stability: Foam boards are typically wider and sturdier than surfboards, making balance easier for beginners.
  • Buoyancy: Thanks to the generous volume, foam boards have excellent buoyancy, making paddling and catching waves easier.
  • Durable surface: The robust foam surface is resistant to shocks and impacts, which makes the foam board particularly durable.

Intended use of the foam board:

The foam board is ideal for beginners who want to gain their first experience in surfing. The stable platform and easy-to-use design make it ideal for the learning phase. In addition, the foam board is also used by advanced surfers for fun and relaxed sessions in smaller waves.

Advantages of foamboard:

  • Learning-friendly: The soft construction and stability make the foam board perfect for surfing newbies.
  • Safety: The soft surface minimizes the risk of injury, both to the surfer and others in the water.
  • Versatility: Foamboards can be used in different conditions and offer fun and variety even to experienced surfers.

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You can find more information about foamie and which softboard you should buy on the following pages: